In the long and honored history of America
There are names that shine like beacons in the night
The Patriots whose vision gave us meaning
Who kept the lamp of freedom burning bright
In the long and honored history of America
There are those that paid the last and final price
Who were called upon by chance, or desperate circumstance
To make the ultimate sacrifice
A grateful nation bows its head in sorrow
And in thanks for guaranteeing our tomorrow
The last full measure of devotion
That's what they gave to the cause
The last full measure of devotion
And though they cannot hear our applause
We honor them forever and keep alive their story
Pay tribute to their lives and give them all the glory
The last full measure of devotion
Beyond the call of duty were their deeds
The last full measure of devotion
They gave themselves to serve the greater need
And for those who did survive
And came back home alive
They join in praise of comrades who were slain
And highly resolved, most highly resolved
That these dead shall not have died in vain
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