Reasons to be Unreasonable: The 10 Fundamental Powers of Extraordinary Leaders
Ultimately, leadership is the ability to significantly influence the thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors of others. Here are The 10 Fundamental Powers of Extraordinary Leaders that allow them to have massive influence with those they lead:
1. The Power of Vision: Your vision must be larger than yourself, larger than the moment. Leaders embrace what moves them, transforming these inspirations into clear visions of what they must (rather than “should”) achieve.
2. The Power of Unreasonable Expectations: To receive the ultimate rewards, you must live by the ultimate standards. Leaders are unreasonable men and women who refuse to be bound by the past, while reserving their most unreasonable standards for themselves.
3. The Power of Conviction: The quality of your life is in direct proportion to your ability to deal with uncertainty. Leaders confront uncertainty with their own internal certainty, an absolute conviction that they will not only withstand, but conquer any situation.
4. The Power of Connection: True leaders have an uncanny ability to care and connect, which comes from thoughtful interactions and understanding the motives of others.
5. The Power of Passionate Communication: To inspire others, you must first be inspired. Inspiration is channeled through bold and heartfelt communications that express your high standards and convictions.
6. The Power of Strategic Innovation: Leaders constantly innovate, anticipating the road ahead and staying ahead of the trends. They know that strategic innovation is a daily habit, something that needs to be part of the daily culture of the group or organization they lead.
7. The Power of Action: Leaders are bold. They are men and women of action. Action does not come out of conversation; action comes out of a change in psychology, mindset and physiology. (Ultimately, it’s a change in emotional state.) Also, leaders have the power to get others to take action and do things they wouldn’t normally do.
8. The Power of Truth: The truth penetrates—it has power. Leaders tell themselves, and everyone with whom they interact, the truth.
9. The Power of Character: Leaders are responsible, consistent, courageous, loyal and fearless. They learn from their mistakes and use these lessons to make progress and get results.
10. The Power of Giving: Ultimately, no man or woman is happy unless they have found a way to contribute beyond themselves. They’re not giving to be acknowledged—they do it because it’s right.
All outstanding leaders—quiet or boisterous, famous or unknown—exhibit these traits. By integrating these powers into your life, you will inspire yourself and everyone around you to see, attain and exceed your goals.
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