Welcome To Esperanza Elementary Blog

I want to give you a special welcome to our Esperanza Elementary blog as we take our journey to found the school of our dreams. I invite you to visit us often and offer any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, questions, comments, etc. you might have.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Raising the Bar for Everyone

Ron Clark addressed in his book End the Molasses Classes the fallacy of teaching to the middle. If an educator does that, the top scholars will be bored and the lower scholars will be lost. He suggests that instead educators should teach to the top scholars and scaffold the others. I really like that. It's similar to the Pareto Principle--20/80 Rule.

I believe this can also apply to our Esperanza educators. If I devote 80% of my time and energy to the top 10% of our educators I can then use them to help scaffold the others. The lowest 10% of the educators probably shouldn't be at Esperanza, and we should replace them.

Doing this for both our Esperanza scholars and educators will raise the bar for everyone...and everyone will achieve more than they would otherwise.

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