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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Movies Can Whet Appetite for Reading

Last night we watched the new movie version of Moby Dick. Then today I finished reading the book When She Was White by Judith Stone. I chose to read this book after watching the movie Skin a story about the same girl, Sandra Laing, and her family in South Africa. This two recent experiences gave me some food for thought concerning the relationship between movies and books. Because of my own experience I am one who tends to feel that they can reinforce each other. In just the last couple of months I have seen some movies that whetted my appetite to read the books on which they were based. I also like seeing movies such as Moby Dick after I have read the book. More often than not I always enjoy the book more than the movie although I often think of the movie while reading the book. In other words, I like both and wouldn't want to exchange one for the other.

The lesson I learned was that encouraging our Esperanza scholars to see movies made from classics and other outstanding books could very well encourage them to do more reading.

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