Welcome To Esperanza Elementary Blog

I want to give you a special welcome to our Esperanza Elementary blog as we take our journey to found the school of our dreams. I invite you to visit us often and offer any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, questions, comments, etc. you might have.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our Barbara Lewis Service Learning Plan

#1:  Issue-based problem that extends from a curricular topic:  How to establish the Esperanza inviting environment

     a.  Service experience(s) for students that connects to it:  a) "Families", b) structured recesses, c) Dr. Glasser's tutoring school program

     b.  Connect it to a curricular standard:  Global issues and problems + all the social studies.  Also, literature (different cultures)

#2:  Research (Where you would look?):  Internet, books, multicultural books, interviews

#3:  Brainstorm a solution:  Create strong and healthy relationships throughout the school.

#4:  Build a team (coalitions):  Parents, staff, scholars, Board

#5:  Work with our opposition (Who might they be?):  Some scholars, some parents, some staff who may not value the importance of building an inviting environment

#6:  Advertise:  Put up pictures of inviting activities on a school bulletin board.  Also, develop a relationship with a media person who could spotlight some of our activities.

#7:  Raise money (if you need to):  Possibly work with a bank person to give "scholarships" to scholars who serve as tutors to build an education savings fund.

#8:  Carry out solution.  List steps: 
     Kenna and Patricia:  Plan the structured recess idea
     Teach the scholars and teachers the tutoring program
     Organize the "families" and plan how they will function

#9:  Evaluate, Reflect, Celebrate:  Tally how many kids need to be sent to the principal.  Also, scholars and teachers and write and draw in journals about experiences.  Also, surveys can be taken from parents and teachers.

#10:  Don't give up.  How could the experiences be extended to GLOBAL service?  Work to change laws and apply to multicultural issues. 

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