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Friday, September 9, 2011

Speaking TO a Leader

I periodically receive an email newsletter from Chris Witt about communication ideas. I received one this morning that I felt had some very valuable recommendations on how to speak TO leaders to win the leader's approval for a project, a funding request for some initative, a proposal,etc.

Be Brief
Be prepared to make your case in three to five minutes. Be ready to go into more detail in response to questions they ask.

Tell Them What the Information Means
Leaders don’t want to wade through piles and pages of information, trying to figure out what it means. That’s your job. Highlight the most important elements of what you know, and then say what it means. Have more information available, if asked.

Tell Them the Impact of the Information
To be of any use to leaders, you have to tell them the impact—the value or significance—of your information.

Make a Recommendation
Leaders want to know what to do with the information you’re presenting. So give them options. Present a couple of ideas of what to do. Weigh the pros and cons of each one. And if asked or if appropriate, recommend the option your think is best. Make its case as forcefully as possible, always remembering that leaders have the the final say.

The best way to speak TO a leader is to speak LIKE one. Be clear and direct. Always keep an eye on how your information or ideas will help the organization solve its problems or achieve its goals.

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