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Friday, July 22, 2011

Action Is Critical

I recently read a speech, "Trust and Accountability" given by Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley at a BYU Devotional on October 13, 1992---http://speeches.byu.edu/reader/reader.php?id=7095 In this speech he mentioned the book Lee and Grant by Gene Smith. Not only did I feel it would be advantageous to read any book Pres. Hinckley read I was also drawn to the book because of my love for history, this time period being one of my favorites.

I finished reading the book this morning and loved it. I learned so much about these two incredible men as well as what it means to be a leader. One of the things that defined Grant was his willingness to take action in the war. Pres. Lincoln had been so frustrated with other military leaders who spent a lot of time talking and planning but wouldn't take action. A book The Knowing-Doing Gap by Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton I am now reading is a perfect follow-up to what I learned from Grant about the importance of action.

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