Welcome To Esperanza Elementary Blog

I want to give you a special welcome to our Esperanza Elementary blog as we take our journey to found the school of our dreams. I invite you to visit us often and offer any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, questions, comments, etc. you might have.

Monday, June 6, 2011

More Thoughts on Teaching History

Yesterday I took the opportunity to watch the May 29th broadcast of "Music and the Spoken Word." Lloyd Newell's message was about the importance of remembering--remembering those who gave the ultimate gift for liberty and country in our behalf. He went on to say that the best way we can honor them is to build on the foundation of freedom they laid. We can only build on that foundation if we read and share their stories.

All those born in this country or who have immigrated to this country are reaping the benefits of those who came before. Therefore, we all owe a deep sense of gratitude for them. We owe it to our Esperanza scholars to share with them the stories and sacrifices of these people...and help them to learn ways to build upon that legacy.

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