Welcome To Esperanza Elementary Blog

I want to give you a special welcome to our Esperanza Elementary blog as we take our journey to found the school of our dreams. I invite you to visit us often and offer any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, questions, comments, etc. you might have.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Esperanza Scholars

It is my hope that we will call our students scholars and that we as educators can set the example. It is for this reason that I had a strong interest in Dr. John W. Welch's acceptance speech for the 2011 BYU Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Award that he gave last Tuesday.

He based his remarks on a quote by Joseph Smith: "Thy mind, o man, must stretch." Dr. Welch encouraged all his listeners to expand their minds, discover new things and seek for flashes of inspiration. We want no less for our Esperanza scholars (both students and educators). He went on to say that discoveries require hard work and going the extra mile--over long periods of time. We must continue to believe that an answer is out there somewhere.

Dr. Welch's remarks support BYU's mission statement which states in part, "....stimulating setting where a commitment to excellence is expected and the full realization of human potential is persued." We, too, want to provide this type of environment at Esperanza for our scholars.

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