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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Three Education Metaphors

I listened this morning to the BYU Devotional Speech Dr. Nancy Wentworth gave on November 27, 2012.  She shared some great metaphors related to education. 

First Metaphor:  Education is like a race

Wentworth said. “In the classroom there are some students who feel that they can never be the best student in the class, the winner, so why should they continue? As teachers we try to encourage growth in our students, not just winning.”
Wentworth went on to explain that personal improvement is a victory in and of itself, and that through working hard any student can improve.  Wentworth advises to help one another, “coach” one another, and work together.
Second Metaphor:  Education is like a garden 
When Wentworth related education to a garden, she compared the gardener to a teacher. Teachers create an environment in which children, or seeds, can learn and grow into their full potential.
“It is the responsibility of the gardener to create an environment where the seed can grow (and) where the students can thrive and develop,”

Third Metaphor:  Education is like a family

The final metaphor Wentworth related to education was family. She talked about how loving parents teach their children correct principles, and encourage them to constantly improve.
“At school, children learn many things beyond skills and knowledge,” Wentworth said. “They learn to share, to work hard, to experience new things, to ask questions (and) to explore new ideas. Like a loving parent, good teachers point out the small successes of their students so the students want to keep trying, keep working and keep growing.”

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