Welcome To Esperanza Elementary Blog

I want to give you a special welcome to our Esperanza Elementary blog as we take our journey to found the school of our dreams. I invite you to visit us often and offer any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, questions, comments, etc. you might have.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What's In a Name?

I listened this morning to the BYU Devotional speech--"What's In a Name?"-- that D. Gordon Smith gave on June 26, 2012.  His speech reminded me of a few things:

  1. What do we want the name "Esperanza" to represent when people think of our school and also those associated with it?  What does it mean to be an Esperanza educator or an Esperanza scholar?
  2. Remember to call others by the name they prefer...and pronounce them correctly.
  3. Name-calling and labeling that attempt to marginalize others is inappropriate. 

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