Welcome To Esperanza Elementary Blog

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Funding Sources

It would be wise for us to start a list of funding sources.  For instance, both Target and Kohl's give money to schools.  Also, I like the Barnes and Noble program to get books for our Esperanza Library. 

Margarita Calderon's friend offered these suggestions:

If she is already approved, she could apply for a Charter School Program (CSP) grant from either the state department of education or the US department of education. If the state has received a CSP grant, her application would go to the Utah DOE; if not, then she should go on line to USDOE's web site to get information about how to apply to the feds directly. The grant awards vary state-by-state but are generally between 250K to 500 K or more for start-up and early operations over a three-year span.

The Walton Family Foundation does not have a Utah grant program per se. She should take a look at their web site to see if she can submit directly to the Foundation. In most states where Walton is active, they have a local grant programs partner, but alas not in Utah.

One other possibility is the Daniels Fund, which is supporting charter schools in UT, CO, WY, NM, and AZ. She should go to their web site to get information about how to apply.

PD is generally an allowable (and desirable) activity for all of these grants."

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